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Bernard Tjalkuri: Tjitji Tjuta 2017


  • No.:RK1507
  • Medium:Acrylic on Linen
  • Size:150 × 120 cm
  • Year:2017
  • Region:APY Lands (West)
  • Art Centre:Tjungu Palya
  • Status:

„Tjitji Tjuta Tjukurpa, Tjukurpa pulka Inma wiru.“ This Tjukurpa is Tjitji Tjuta, all the children, and the scared song and dance ceremony is great.

„Nyangatja tjitji tjuta pakalpai tjitji wilu tjuta munu witilunpa tjuta munu tjitji langka tjuta muna tjitji kalaya tjuta tjitji liru tjuta tjitji ngapari tjuta tjitji uwankara tjunguringkupai munu inma kantalpai tjintira Watarrula tjangati.“ This is where all the children were dancing, there are the stone bush curlew children and emu cheildren and blue tongue lizard children and the snake children. All the children are coming here for dancing at this dry lake bed just this side of Watarru.

„Tjitji uwangkara, tjitji uwankara winki mamu tjitji.“ The whole lot, all the children even the spirit sourcers children (come here to dance).

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